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Thursday, July 21, 2005 

the day they thought i passed out (!!!)

again, i'm supposed to be studying. but i have a lot to tell!


went to school. we had club meetings. i tried out for and editorial post in the forum, our school newspaper. it went as well as expected, and i nearly didn't finish the editorial i was making. which was expected. then we had CAT (Citizen's Advancement Training) after that. i was one of the 'records' people, which meant i got to sign all those index cards! how fun! (not.) after that i met up with katrina and we went to buy h-bp together.


read h-bp and made my research paper's first chappie. willed myself not to finish h-bp so fast, as i have saved my money on it for so long.


nothing significant. may have talked to paul though. can't really remember. edit:just remembered--we had student body elections that day.


same as monday.


this is when the *real* stuff happen. i woke up early because i still wasn't done with my the script for my monologue. but when i actually *finished* the darn thing and was about to print it, word went wacko and had an error. i tried printing several times after that but nothing happned. by 7.00 i was already having difficulty breathing (which happens when i'm tense). i went to my boiling point (which here means that i started cursing inanimate objects, that inanimate object being the printer) so i decided to give up and go to school. but i still wasn't breathing properly.

i rode the first mode of transpo i could flag down--- a bus. to be more specific, a FULL bus. so, with my backpack, my huge folder, my books, and my still-not-breathing-properly self, i was forced to stand more than three quarters of the way to school. which didn't help my breathing a bit. by the time i arrived at school, i was practically wheezing. but it turns out i wasn't late--yet. all that running (and fast-walking) for nothing! anyway, we had a long assembly (note: i still wasn't breathing properly). i was already feeling my hand go numb halfway through the morning prayer (we were standing, btw). i also noticed that whatever i did, it would always roll into a fist. i was relieved when (i thought) the assembly was over, because my head was already spinning. but it turned out it still wasn't! i was so mad that i my breathing was as crazy as ever. but when i heard what the hold up was about, the numbness in my hands intensified even more. they were going to annnounce who won the elections! omg! then i felt the numbness sear through my stomach. seriously. even my stomach was numb. that was funny.

so they announced it--most of the p.e.p.s.i. (predominant eloquent people serving your interests--that's p.e.p.s.y.i. to me, but whatever) people won. except for one of their junior councilors. franco, the independent candidate, won over him/her/whoever. then the numbness was in my legs.

the time to announce the president came. the numbness reached my feet--and i was thinking, "okay, hold on just a bit longer! they're going to announce the highest position! don't dare pass out when you've already come this far!!!" i was only talking myself into it. then the biggest surprise came--CYRUS WON!!! OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!! i even got to cheer for him, in the condition i was in. i would've cried (my eyes were already watery, actually), had the numbness not taken over my whole body.

moments after they announced that cyrus won, my whole body started shaking--literally. my hands were clasped into fists, my stomach was numb, and my feet were unnaturally straight. (it was like i was petrificus totalused, actually.) good thing my nosy classmate noticed and reacted immediately (her nosiness was put to good use this time), practically screaming that i was about to pass out. but i wasn't. i was fully aware of the stuff happening around me. it was just that i couldn't move a muscle and had they not crowded over me, i would've fell on the gym floor. i was took backward steps quite automatically, as it was the only move i was capable of doing. body shaking, fists tightly clasped, and feet unmoving, i felt someone lifting me. i heard a lot of voices...people panicking.

"si kim! si kim!" <-usiserang classmate
"ako na magbubuhat!" <-our cute class president. one of the guys i have a crush on

or in english,

"ohmygod! kim's passing out!" <-nosy classmate
"i'll carry her!" <-same desc. as above

(if it were a movie or a tv show, i would've laughed myself to death. honestly.)

there were a lot of ther voices, but there were so many i couldn't possibly remember them all. i just remember someone lifting me, then passing me to a bigger guy (Kevin. I swear, I am eternally grateful!) I only opened my eyes when we were already near the clinic, and that was to thank Kevin. again and again. because if it weren't for him and jake and lingi [pronounced lin-ji], i would've still been in the gym, shaking and not breathing properly. so, guys, thank you! and if i forgot to mention someone, please forgive me, because my eyes were shut then, me being so scared and all.

so i was bought to the clinic. i didn't stop thanking Kevin. i was pale, he was flushed. he said he panicked. that was so sweet! you know, him caring enough to panic. cute :)

i've been wanting to pass out ever since i learned that i could. seiously. i got my wish! lol. ^_^

and later that day, during social studies, our teacher informed us about our project this quarter--an editorial and a cartoon to accompany it. i feigned interest on the little things about the project so that no one would bother pairing up with me. i was seriously thinking (or hoping, more like) that paul would want to partner with me. or any one of the three guys i have a crush on. but eventually i got teamed up with froi, one of the people i was majorly avoiding. i'm not saying that i don't think he'll do anything, but i want someone more intellectual., so that there'll be room for serious discussions. (i have a thing for smart guys. they're cute.)

i was totally shocked when a familiar voice called me. i recognized it--i've been waiting for that very same voice to say my name the whole period. it was PAUL!!! and he wanted to partner with me! MOI! OMG!!! he said, "um...kim...may partner ka na ba (do you have a partner yet)?"

and I, being the deaf person that i am, said: "ha? ha? pakiulit! bingi ako eh!" ("pardon? sorry, i didn't catch that! can you say it again?" or something like that)

so he repeated it. i was all, "okay, okay!" in this very enthusiastic way, and i answered even before he even finished the sentence he was repeating for me. it was taking all my self-control not to scream fangirlishly right then and there, actually. but the moment he returned to his seat (more appropriately, his 'world'), i started tugging ira's sleeve, giggled and almost screamed. again. so i settled myself with raven simone's ever-so-famous small screams. (now i know that if you want something bad enough, you'd eventually come to get it.)

i didn't seriously think it's happen and would actually settle with anyone left, seeing as i know i'd end up doing the darn thing myself anyway. but OMG!!!

bonding with paul during and after p.e.. we discussed hp theories and stuff, the kind of convos we usually have. omg, maybe he really is me scott bennett! how cute! <3 :)

so...i'll tell more tomorrow. still have to watch friends!