Sunday, November 28, 2004 

So Many Rules, So Little Time

Why must there be so many darn rules?...(I break most of them anyway, but some of them are still quite annoying.) Yes, some are plain sensible, like:

1. Look left and right before rossing a street (duh)
2. Do not play with fire
3. Do not jump off a 100-storey building (simple enough.)

There are also ones that are not quite sensible, but you still are compelled to follow, like:

1. Don't bring your cellphone to school (*my* school is probably the only one that has this useless rule...but I still bring mine [sometimes] anyway. So what if I get into an emegency?...Not like anyone'd notice I was gone...But if anyone were to, I'd say they'd tell that I was cutting classes...What if I get stuck in a bathroom stall and the bathroom door gets jammed and nobody bothers to notice?...How will they ever find me?...Or what if I get lost inside the campus [it could happen!]?...Or worse, what if I get lost in the sea of mindless drones [students] in school???!!!...Whatever will I do, delving into the depths of the cruel high school world without my dear, dear cellphone?...How will my parents ever know where I've gotten?...HOW???!!!)
2.Do not answer back to your bloddy teacher (why shouldn't I?...public humiliation is not a good way of teaching, is it not?...and why should I not take a stand? I pay for my tuition fees, you know!)
(haha...that's about the only two I could think of right now...i'll add more later!...anyways...)

And then there are the ones that are plain crazy.

1. Do not go to McDonald's after school (hello?...So now even eating isn't allowed?...I mean, come on! McDonald's is like 5 minutes away from school and it takes less than 10 minutes to get a take-out. So what are they ranting on about?!!!)
2. Do not go malling after school hours (ha! if I'd even do that...And if I were to do that, what's it to them?...So what if I got a 75 in Chemistry last quarter? If I don't get it, I simply just don't get it [and that rarely happens]. 'More sudy time...'...ha, as if we need any more of that! WE JUST NEED LESS SUBJECTS!)
3. Do not blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..............(Get real.)

Why should these stupid rules even be abided? Some are essential, yes, but why should the ones in power be so stupid??? Can we get a new school admin please??????

p.s.I don't follow the rules most of the time, but I'm saying this for the ones who are blinded by the overwhelming power of the school admin and think that there is no more to life than living and following the rules. Hello?!!! We pay them, for crying out loud! Why shouldn't we be allowed to take a stand if a rule is against our own judgment?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 

Past Lives

I got myself thinking about what I actually was before in my past life so i searched 'past life' in Google. Here's what I got, statement by statement.

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
Fine by me. Gender isn't really an issue.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Phillippines around the year 700.
God, must I be stuck in this dreaded place forever???????
Your profession was that of a builder of houses, temples and cathedrals.
Fair enough. I wonder if I helped build one of the historical landmarks here?
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.

Me. Totally me.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Magic is everywhere around you, even in the most usual, most ordinary situations. Your lesson is to understand this magic and to help other people to see it, too. You are a magician!

Nice to hear that someone here agrees with me. Ha! I like magic. Not to mention Harry Potter. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2004 

Expressionless Me

I soo don't feel anything right now. And that's a bad sign. Because:

1. I'm running late on my Filipino project;
2. I haven't started my Chemistry assignment yet;
3. I haven't studied for 3 quizzes;
4. my back hurts, my arms hurt, my legs hurt...(basically my whole body hurts);
5. I've eaten too much (a whole pizza, 2 grilled cheese sandwiches, 2 time-outs and fries);
6. I don't think I like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named anymore (not a total crisis, but still...);
7. And it's almost 11 in the evening and I haven't done a single solitary thing yet.

And you know what's the worse thing about all this??? That I'm not even panicking. I was just so consumed by malling yesterday that I forgot about all of this...and besides, what *is* the weekend for if they're just going to load us with homework? So I'm just here again, putting my thoughts down. And not even studying for my quizzes. Or writing my Chemistry homework. Or making a reaction paper for 'Bertud ng Putik' (Amulet of Mud...whatta name. it sucked, btw). The only thing I can actually feel is my back aching, which usually means I'm sleepy. (And I am NOT kidding.)

Saturday, November 20, 2004 


Everything seems to happen to me, doesn't it? Not only do I have to have no actual lovelife, or have feet the size of Greenland (my feet are so big I bet that I given the chance to, I could walk on water with it), or have these stupidity lapses (as I like to call them.) But no, the world just isn't satisfied!!! They have to give me a life so crappy I'd rather watch tv all day. And so complicated that sometimes I wished my 'watch-tv-all-day' kind of life is possible.

I think a lot. And I mean A WHOLE LOT. Which makes me think that I have some kind of "Paranoid Personality Disorder." (See? I even try to diagnose my own personality disorders...Told you I'm weird) Some signs I looked up:
pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others (me)
suspects exploitation or deception of others (me)
jealous and envious (me again)
hypersensitive (reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or! I do this all the time! Like when someone tells me something, I always overanalyze the meaning and tend to wallow on it even days later...I hate it when I do that)
rigid (not really)
persistently bears grudges (i.e. unforgiving of insults, injuries, or again)
paranoid personality trait - person tends to be distrustful or suspicious in certain situations
And here's another disorder (I'm actually just typing this because we have a history of this...but hopefully I didn't inhert it...completely.):
Schizoid Personality Disorder
pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expressions of emotions (cool, aloof, doesn’t react..actually, sometimes I choose not to react on some things but generally I do)
neither desires nor enjoys close relationships (including being part of a family...not moi!..okay, sometimes I don't enjoy it, but what's there's there, right?)
almost always chooses solitary activities (that is most definitely referring to me)
has little interest in sexual encounters (ha! you have no idea. not me.)
takes pleasure in few, if any activities (another 'not-me'.)
appears indifferent to praise or criticism of others (not me)
shows emotional coldness and detachment (sometimes...just sometimes.)
schizoid personality trait - likes being alone, but has friends and engages in activities (aha! this is me)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
demonstrates many symptoms related to those of schizophrenia but of a less severe nature
tends to be a loner; excessive social anxiety (me)
appearance is odd, eccentric, or peculiar (what do you think? of course I'm eccentric! I take pride in being different, in a weird, freakish sort-of way)
unusual pattern of talking that is vague and abstract (exactly what my friends tell me. said I was like a walking riddle.)
usually demonstrates “emotional poverty” (lack of emotions), but when emotions are shown, they often do not match content of a discussion and seem inappropriate for the circumstance (ex. laughs upon hearing serious information...haha...definitely me! see, I'm laughing now when I'm not supposed to)
preoccupied by thoughts of a magical nature (superstitious, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or “sixth sense”, bizarre fantasies...take a wild guess.)schizotypal personality trait - appears and acts a little eccentric but otherwise “normal” (i dunno...)

So here I am, discussing my own diagnosis of my personality disorders. No one's perfect, right? I am so paranoid.

Friday, November 19, 2004 

Facts Curator

Congratulations, Kim!
Your IQ score is 135

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Got this from Tickle. No idea if it's accurate, but's nice to hear I'm smart (besides other persons than myself, that is). :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 


Another excerpt. From my IMs with Mae (which, btw, I'm wondering If I'm even allowed to copy).

britz1117: i do have a crush on richard, but bogs is still bogs, my ever-faithful childhood friend
britz1117: who hangs out with me at night when we get the chance
britz1117: who knows me soo much
britz1117: who used to make me cry so much (he teased me alot. alotalot.) when we were kids
britz1117: who i'm with saturdays, sundays, mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and fridays
britz1117: who i text as he's on his way home
britz1117: who my parents know and trust (okay, maybe not both. maybe just my mom. but dad doesn't really pay attention so that's perfectly understandable.)
britz1117: who always hangs out at my house
britz1117: who i'm with all day but still doesn't run out of things to talk to
britz1117: who I probably love.
britz1117: whatever.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 

I am never drinking coke EVER again

^. I hate coke. Makes my stomach hurt so much!


I Think, I Think

(I actually wrote this during computer i was too bored to actually listen. This little thing proves that not only am I cynical about life, but about real live people too.)

Just wondering. What DO people think of me? Probably a snobby(ish) freak who likes Harry Potter. Can't blame them either. Who'd like to talk to a bunch of low-lifes who just befriend you to copy your homework? Certainly not me. I'd rather be labelled snobbish than to strut around with them. Ha! I'd rather be solitary, than you very much.

Mental Note: Kill Joshua later. He's totally getting on my nerves. Currently hating him.

I hate this subject. Why the bloddy hell do I have to learn how to make algorithms or flowcharts?!! We already have computer to do those stuff for us, Qu'est-ce le point?

Monday, November 15, 2004 

Not Really in the 'Writing' Mood

I am soo uninspired right now! I can't think of anyhitng to write about! I hate it when this happens, now I cant even concentrate on making my Chemistry paper for tomorrow...

*idea*What if I write a fanfic? Base it on real life stuff and everything. (Then it wouldn't have to say, "This story is purely fictituous. Any similarites to names, people, or actual events are purely coincidental and are not intended by the author." Haha.)


True Love

"True love comes in quietly, without banners or flashing lights; without force or insanity. He is the sanity in your world full of madness. True love is not how grand you are or how simple you are, but it's who you are when you're with him - and he loves you in spite of it, not because of it. He's the one who stands with you when the rest of the world falls down."
-Tomas Wild-Fontaine


Love Survey 2 (Part Two)

Okay...where'd I stop again?...oh yeah, no. 8.

8. The two of you broke up but he says he still wants you to be friends. What do you think?
How should I know?...I haven't even had a boyfriend before...:wallows in self-pity:
9. Have you ever learned to love a friend?
Oh yeah....................................................
10.Which is harder, telling your friend that you've fallen in love with him or hiding it?
I'd rather hide it from him.
11.What're the things you've done for him?
There're so many I can't type it all.
12.What if people say you're being a martyr or that you're being stupid? What'd you tell them?
I don't choose to be a martyr or to be stupid...I just loved him that deeply.
13.Are you willing to wait for the guy you love?
Of course I am...but time will come that I'll come to love someone else...and when that time comes and then he tells me he does love me, I'd tell him to shut it, coz I've made myself look stupid for soo long and then he just decides now?!!!
14.What's the stupidest thing you've done for him?
The worst is that I decided to ever let him go...I totally regret that now.
15.What single thing makes you cry?

So that's that. Got it from my post in Friendster, btw. Sometimes this love thing just sucks. Just plain sucks.


Love Survey 2 - The Translation

(Haha...this sounds like a movie sequel!)

1. Who's the most important person in your life?
Let's just call him 'Bogs'.
2. What's the hardest thing you had to do for the guy you love?
For me to just let him love the one he loves...(which, btw, is definitely not me)
3. How can you tell that you already love a person?
I dunno, even I ain't so sure if I really do love him.
4. Could you ever love two people at the same time?
I guess so...
5. Would u fight for the one u love or let him/her go?
I'd rather let him go...If he doesn't love me, what's the point of making him if it's against his will?...I've already gone through the stage that I told myself to fight, but a person can grow tired...I GIVE UP!!!
6. What if a lot of persons say that you two can't be together? Would you still love him?
Not as if I could stop loving him that easily, isn't it? I would still love him. I wasn't asking for him to love me, so what's the deal? It's his life, so I can't make him.
7. What'd you do if the guy you love cries over someone and you're there by his side?
That already happened to me, and let me tell you, it was taking all my self-control not to cry myself. It hurt not to be loved, man!

I'll continue this later, still have some chores to do. :boriinngg:


Love Survey

1.cno pinaka importanteng tao sa buhay mo?
= itago na lang natin siya sa pangalang 'bogs'

2.ano ang pinaka masakit na nagawa mo para sa
mahal mo?
= ung pabayaan ko lang siyang mahalin ang mahal niya

3.pano mo mssbi na mahal mo ang isang tao?
= ewan, d ko p nga cgurado kng mahaL ko un eh

4.maggwa mo bang magmhal ng 2 tao?
= oo naman...iLan bang kaibigan ko? xempre mahaL ko cLang Laht! pero ung love-love...oo rin cguro

5.would u fight for the one u love or let him/her go?
= let him go nLng...kung iba tLga ang mhL nia eh, mapplit ko b nMn? dti pLban ako...pero may hngganan rin un...SUKO NA KO!!!

6.pno kng mdming ngsasabing d kau pwd,
mamahalin mo prin ba xa..? khit xa na ung ngsbi?
= para nMng mpipigiLn ko un db? xempre mhL ko prin, hindi ko nMn kc xang pnpilit mahaLn ako eh...buhay niya yan, bhLa xa

7.anong ggwin mo pag umiyak sa tbi mo ung
taong mhal mo?
= nangyari na yn eh, wLa lang akong gnawa...nagpakatanga Lng dhL iyak xa ng iyak ako nMn pnipigiL ko Lng ng huwg rng umiyak...gosh, masakit ang maging BIGO!!!

8.ngbreak kau pro gs2 p dn nya frends kau. ok
= ang msakit, hndi pa ko ngkaka-bf

9. ngawa mo na ba magmhal ng kaibigan?
= oo nMn....................................................

10.ano mas mhrap, sbhin s kaibigan mo n mhal
mo xa o itago?
= itago nLng!

11.ano bang mga nagawa mo pra sa mhal mo?
= sa dami eh sosobra sa no. of characters nito

12.pno pg cnbihan kng MARTIR/TANGA anong
ssbhin mo?
= di ako martir o tanga..nagmamahal lang talaga
ako ng lubusan

13.kya mo bang mghntay s taong may mhal ng
= okay lang...pero darating rin ung day na may mamahalin rin akong pag dumating yung araw na yun at sabihin niyang mahaL niya rin pLa ako...aba! sorry xa...ang tagaL kong nag-mukhang tanga pagkatapos ngaun Lng xa magsasalita?!!!

14.ano ang pnkamali n gnwa mo pra sa mhal mo?
= ung pinakawaLan ko xa

15.ano ang mga bagay na nakpgppiyak sau?
= SIYA!!!

It's in Tagalog, so I'll just post a translation later.

Sunday, November 14, 2004 

Full of Nothing

I'm so empty right now. I'm supposed to be making an introduction for our Chemistry project, but instead I'm replying to HP posts in TheSnitch and blogging. Ha. That's why I'm the perfect model student! What to write about, what to write about...

Saturday, November 13, 2004 

Wha' Happened Last Night

We had tons of fun last night! :P

So after classes, we met outside our classrooms (Ira, Kate and classroom [my section is St. Jerome], is just in front of theirs, St. Joseph) So after that, we came looking for Chel. We met her on the pathwalk. Kate told her to meet us in front of the gym because she (Chel, I mean) was going to the faculty room to pass her homework. So we ran around some more and came looking for Ira's service (because th driver couldn't park on their usual spot.) We were looking for Nize and Jasmine (Angelica's other BITCH) and to my utter delight, they got super-low grades (report cards were given that afternoon) so they had to act 'angellic' (ha! as if!) for their parents. Haha. They deserve it, the bitches. But let's not talk about that. We were totally laughing our heads off at Agatha because she couldn't find their (she has the same service as Kate. BTW, they're cousins.) service couldn't park so the driver had to find another spot on the other side of the campus. Waaay far. We ran around some more and started hanging out at the caf right in front of the school (we have two cafeterias, by the way. The one beside the gym and the one beside the gate. we have a BIG campus.) and we ran into Ray there. I was waving like mad at him when we started strutting around again, biding our time until the Tropang Pathwalk left. So we started looking for Chel, because of the fact that apparently, no one was allowed in the gym because of PRISAA (whatever that means.) We found her after a century, apparently, she was looking for us in the 2nd caf. So we strutted around some more. We finally came to the point that we realized that we were painfully obvious to the Tropang Pathwalk, so we decided to finally leave. I actually saw Ray while we were in the gate. We did that sign-language thing we did again, which, IMO, is muchbetter than talking to me long distance coz I think I have a hearing disorder.

Then we finally arrived at Pancake House. Lucky for us, there was a Chamber of Secrets pic there, so Ira and I had some eye candy to feast on. Dan Radcliffe!!! :) We ordered Spaghetti and Pancakes and Bottomless Iced Tea. We were totally laughing our heads off the whole time we were there! We thought about nicknames for us and everything.

I was totally fun! I'll tell more later, I have to eat lunch first, Ciao! :)


Got my CD! Yay!

I got my new cd from Sir Mark! Yay! Here's my playlist:

1. Just Lose It - Eminem
2. Beauty and Madness - FraLippoLippi
3. My Place - Nelly
4. Colour Everywhere - Christian Bautista
5. Wag na Wag Mong Sasabihin - Kitchie Nadal
6. If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys feat. Usher (or is it the other way around?)
7. Damned - Shimoli (I love this song!)
8. Burn - Usher
9. Love of My Life - Rachel Ann Go
10. My Boo - Usher feat. Alicia Keys
11. The Reason - Hoobastank
12. Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
13. She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
14. Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
15. Crash and Burn - Savage Garden
16. Sunshine - ??? (can't remember...ask someone, or better yet, look at the cd case)
17. Penny & Me - Hanson
18. Masaya - Bamboo
19. Wherever You Are- South Border

Thursday, November 11, 2004 


So here's our history (___ & I):

1st Grade: Probably my 1st time to meet him. But we weren't really friends, I just knew him. Just plain knew.

2nd Grade: He became my seatmate. He had a particular fixation on making me cry. And I, being totally idiotic, fell for his trap. He totally irritated me then, and struck me as the arrogant type.

3rd Grade: Couldn't remember him.

4th grade: Same here.

5th Grade: Had a slight crush on him. Slight.

6th Grade: Still had the slight crush.

1st Year (High School): Totally forgot he existed.

2nd year: Same.

3rd year: We became ultimate buddies. Surprise, surprise! We go home together, go to chuch orgs together, hang out after school together, text each other. Now I'm trying to decide whether I like him as more than a friend or not.

I'll elaborate next time. I'm totally busy with my Chemistry project right now, sorry.


Ha! Double Ha!!!

Just got home from the cafe, and guess who I was with???...___!!!...My God, I know I'm totally overreacting about this whole thing, but I'm just so excited! (Reminder:Write about my history with ___. I always totally forget!)

BTW, it's his birthday today. And he celebrated it with me!!! Actually, I just went home about an hour ago...I wasn't planning to go home that early though, but I had no choice coz I didn't tell my parents I was going out. I was actually just making up to him because I asked a favor from him last Friday, and when I repay someone, I repay them big time! We commuted to the Plaza together (not much fun, but lovely all the same). AJ (my pain-in-the-ass cousin) was in the jeep with us, and I, being my usually ignorant self, didn't even notice that she was there until she got out. So I thought, OMG she saw us! And believe me, I've known her all my life and I know what she'll say. And when we got out of the jeep, Kathleen and Mary Grace actually saw us together (they were at Emdee's.) They always saw us toghether during church orgs, and other people even commented on how close (and not to mention sweet) we were (I wish!) They had the same look on their eyes as the ones I saw on Froi's and AJ's. As if I need any more publicity. I'm soo dead.

When the two of us (___ & I) reached the Plaza, we separated. He and I went home to our respective houses. We met about 45 minutes later. And I was stupid enough not to change form my school uniform. As usual, we went to Infochat (an internet cafe in town) and hung out. There wasn't any internet access for I don't know what the bloody reason. So we were standing there, to be specific, being tambays. So after about 15-20 minutes, we got toally bored and decided to roam around. It was already dark then and the park looked exquisite! It took me all my self-control not to tell him to take a romantic stroll in the moonlight with me. Instead, we checked out other cafes, which, to my utter delight, were full. So we strolled again, which, I think, was totally romantic coz the night was young, and the moon was up, and we were alone together. Absolutely alone together. To be painfully honest, the end of the night was a total bore coz I was totally immersed in our chemistry project (as usual, I procrastinated so I have to toally rush). We weren't really speaking much. Bummer.

P.S.I saw Kuya Carlo! Not the one from P-que, the one who had a twin, Paulo (okay, still has.) I was like staring at him in the cafe, I was thinking, "I know this guy, I know this guy, I know this guy!" Then someone called his name and I was totally shocked to remember him. (I even had a crush on him when we were in grade school.) He was totally cute! Too bad I'm related to him!!! :(

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 

Strike two!

Xxxxxx is totally confusing. I know for a fact that he likes someone else. And that girl and I both like the same guy. But why does he keep on having physical contact with me?!!! What happened? He held my hand (and not to mention my unsuspecting knee) during Chemistry class. What's up with that? He knows I like another guy, for crying out loud. (And I know it's dreadfully obvious that I like _____, isn't it?) Then why, why, why does he keep on being like that?!!! Okay, I do admit that I sort-of have a crush on him. But that's not reason enough for him to harrass me!!! (I'm not overreacting here! I know for a fact that it is rightfully stated in the Philippine law that any unconsentual physical contact can and will be considered as sexual harrassment. Okay, I'm bluffing. Just trying to sound smart here!) Anyway, it's Raymond's birthday tomorrow and I wonder what'll happen. I'll just have to wait and see!


Saying sorry to no one!

The sorry post was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. To put it in layman's terms, IT WASN'T FOR ANYONE!!! Mabuti na yung malinaw.

Saturday, November 06, 2004 

Couldn't post!

Had a prob the other nights so I totally couldn't post anything. Nothing's new here really. Well, I did have another go at the 'forums' thing. Hope it works out! :)


Another Image...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004 


(I am officially going intio writing mode in 3...2...1...blast-off!!!)

Sorry. I honestly didn't notice. You should've told me you loved me in the first place.

Sorry. I'm sorry not to have noticed. Sorry that my eyes were on him. Sorry I never noticed you, with your hands practically waving in front of my face. Sorry to have been so ignorant, as not to notice all the signs that you've given.

I am sorry never to have laid eyes on you. Sorry to have been misled by my feelings. Sorry to have yearned to be loved by him, but never noticed the love you've always given. Sorry to have watched him from afar, yet, there you were, silently observing me by my side.

I'm sorry to have taken you for granted, but treasured him as though he were the only thing I had left. Sorry because I made my world revolve around him, and didn't notice that your world revolved around me. Sorry to have been faithful to him, while not noticing your faithfulness to me.

I'm sorry to have confided in you, not noticing that you were being torn apart silently while listening to my vivid dreams about me and him. Sorry to have not asked what you felt, sorry to have been so selfish and self-centered. Sorry to have argued when you told me that me and him simply could not happen, that I was living in a far-fetched dream.

I'm sorry to have followed him, while you followed me. Sorry to have thought about him very single waking and sleeping moment, while you thought about me the same way. Sorry to have loved, but lost what was really never mine.

Sorry to have been so foolish, as to have loved him instead of you.



I hate saying goodbye. Saying goodbye to a friend is like leaving a part of you behind, a part that probably will never find its proper place again. It renders change. But saying goodbye to a person that you barely even know is slightly different. I am sorry that I have to say goodbye, but a lot sorrier that I have to say it without even getting the chance to be friends with that person. It makes me sorry that I was given the chance to be with that someone, yet did not grasp it. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.


Quote From A Post From TheSnitch (My Post, Actually)...The Most Stupid Thing I Did...Ever

Before I say anything, I just want to tell the whole world that I'm totally un-proud of this very stupid thing I did in the past and I totally regret it. Here goes nothing. *takes deep breath*

I went out with the biggest slut (sorry for the language but there's no other word for him. sorry!...and another thing, I don't know what to call a guy slut so I'll just call him GS so as to not deepen my offense) in school. I didn't even like him, I just went out because I was trying to make someone jealous. (Unfortunately, the guy didn't even realize that I was off flirting with someone else. Bummer. ) I felt terrible, but I certainly didn't stop there. I went out with GS a second time, this time testing if it could work out between us. I totally regretted it mainly because I realized that he was exceedingly arrogant, not to mention disrespectful and very insensitive. I heard rumors about us being an item but totally ignored it. I already realized that he was totally wrong for me but I still hung out with him a couple of times after that...not because I did like him, but because he kept on following and hovering around me and I couldn't tell to his face that he had to leave me alone. And then there came a time when he followed me to my house (without me ever inviting him) and took a look around. The nerve! Then he got a porn cd out of his bag, stuck it in my player and watched it in my living room. My living room! I was almost pleading him to turn it off, and he, being the insensitive git that he is, didn't. Good thing my best friend saved me and turned the darn thing off. But he didn't stop there. He opened my pc and went online after I specfically told him not to. He even told me off because I was still logged on my YM. Good thing my parents arrived and I shooed him off. I totally blown my top so the next day, when he started badgering me again, I told him these words: "I hate you!!! Leave me alone!!!" Apparently, he got the picture and stopped pestering me ever since.

The thing I totally regret about this whole thing is the fact that I didn't try to put a stop to it immediately. And that I even ever considered him. And I know I should even feel even a wee bit bad about what I said to him (I actually asked his fellow drama club member to tell him to die), but to be painfully honest, I don't. I honestly don't think he deserves it. But mainly, I just regret that I ever met him. EVER.




I'm Padfoot

Which Harry Potter Marauder Are You?




So I can't find a good title, big deal!...I don't even know what to write about yet...hmmmm...

First thing that came to my mind: guys. Guys...well, I generally like guys. A guy can either be a friend or a love inerest. Cool!

As a friend: Guys are, to me, generally better than girl firends because of some very obvious reasons. Though they don't always understand those girly-girly stuff that we girls usually talk about, they make very good friends because one: they are extremely loyal, no questions asked. Two: They're honest. Even though sometimes they decide to keep certain stuff from you, they don't gloss over the truth, but tell you face to face what you need to hear, even though the truth hurts. Three: They can be cute. They can be extremely charming when they choose to be. Sometimes they don't even have to try...they just are. (Okay, I totally sound like I'm describing a dog.) Four: They don't priss you behind your back. In short, guys don't backstab. Some girls are huge prisses, telling you off not in front of you but behind your back. Guys don't do that. Five: You can laugh at them. Guys laugh at themseles. Girls don't. So if you've got girlfriends and someone farts (not to be rude or anything, i'm just saying my observations) everyone gets grossed out. When with guys, it just becomes a laughing matter. Six: You can talk to them about almost anything (except girl stuff of course.) They don't flinch at the sound of the word sex.

As a love interest: Well, duh. (I'm not a lesbian, if you guys just want to know.)


Big Yellow Taxi

Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton

[Adam Duritz]
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Listen, late last night, I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Well, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey hey hey
Paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

[Adam, Vanessa]
I don't wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away

Hey, paved paradise to put up a parking lot

Monday, November 01, 2004 


TheSnitch.Co.Uk is down, so I had to open Mugglenet and Veritaserum to get the latest news...And guess what?...The door with the 'Do Not Disturb' sign can be opened again! (Its quite rare for the door to open, so I was totally psyched when I saw the news on Mugglenet...It's only opened like twice before and it gave out very important info about HBP...The first gave the title, the second gave an excerpt describing McClaggan, a new character.)

The door had about ten keys that were hovering in front of the door (like in CoS) and you're supposed to get the keys and try each one of them until one finally opens the door. I got it right the first time though, so I didn't get to see the effect when you get a wrong one. Anyway, when UI finally did open it, the door opened to give- me a birds-eye view of Jo's desk (it was the desk in the homepage). i opened the drawer, got the magnifying glass and put it over the brown folder. It revealed a clue which goes like this:

"One by one we come to life,
The side-by-side we wait,
While our company swells in numbers,
(Some come early, some come late);
And some of us may bore you,
And some of us enthral,
But you cannot choose between us
You must take us one and all.
We'll be bound together tightly
For we're naught if we break free.
If you'd like some clues about is
Simply answer: WHO ARE WE?"

The answer is "chapters". When you answer the question right, the text dissloves and reveals the folder with the title "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. There are four sheets of paper in it. Three of them can be pulled. It shows 3 chapter names from HBP. They are:

Chapter Two: Spinner's End
Chapter Six: Draco's Detour
Chapter Fourteen: Felix Felicis (wonder what that means...)

So I'm off to freedict again to look for the meaning of 'Felix Felicis'. Hope it means, "The girl who opens the door with the first key gets to be the newest character in the book!"



I was totally scared last night! We watched like a gazillion horror movies and specials, which, looking back, makes me wish I'd taken a nap in the afternoon so I could've watched tv with my cousins a little bit longer.

Halloween here isn't that fun because we sooo don't trick or treat...even when we were little kids, so the entire night was spent watching tv, sometimes by myself, (which i hate by the way because sometimes it gets really scary when i watch horror documentaries and specials), but most of the time with my cousins and siblings (which is okay, i guess, because my cousins rarely come at my house plus they're really fun).