Saturday, January 29, 2005 

Post-Intrams Depression

I hate my life.

Here are the top three reasons: my friends, my family and my school. I don't think anyone would even deserve my life. And sometimes, I really wonder what dreadful thing I've done to upset that Guy Up There, because hello, MY LIFE SUCKS. Who would even want this? Honestly. This shouldn't be called life. This should be (more aptly, IMO) called crap. Plain crap.

Let me elaborate. My school? Disgustingly strict. They regulate everything from the size of my loafers' heels to the color of my prom dress. And the teachers? They're just impossible. It'll take me a lifetime's worth of therapy to feel a little less degraded again.

And my friends? They're terrible! I hate them because:
a) they're always mean and insensitive
b) they're always running around chasing boys
c) they never listen to a word I say
d) they never reply to ANY of my text messages (also applicable to everyone I know who has a cellphone)
e) they're always laughing at things so shallow my 4-year-old brother could swim in it (so as a result I always have to faux-laugh. And let me tell you, with tall the faux-laughing I do I should be in the Drama Club. Or Theather Club, as we call it in RC.)
f) they never care about really important stuff like literature, photography, genetics, Harry Potter, or real life for that matter. They seem to live in their own little worlds, as I do with mine. It irritates me.
Honestly, my friends are just big airheads with eyes and hands and feet attatched.

And lastly, my family. I know I'm sort of obliged to at least like them, but sometimes I just want to strangle each and every one of them (with the obvious exception of my dear grandparents.)

Another week, another opportunity to fail something. Yipee.

16 dtV-day

20 dtPn

Still don't have a date.

Still don't have a life.

Still don't have anything.


Still Ranting

I hate you, Xanga.

You wanna know why? YOU WANNA KNOW WHY????!!!! I'LL TELL YOU WHY!!! I hate you because you had to take part in my already-freakishly-unlucky day!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH???!!!


Happy birthday Jake! :)

Friday, January 28, 2005 

Crush ko! ;)

Crush ko! Posted by Hello Cute no? This was a stolen shot, and that big red lump you see is Eras's back. Hehe.

Sunday, January 23, 2005 

Of Intrams and Tiaras

Intrams na!!!

YESSS!!! A whole entire week without anything to do but eat till I explode!!!

The third week of January is like the best time of the year. At that time every year, we have our Foundation Week and Intramurals. They set up all these booths and stuff and we get to have fun all day! And we don't even have classes!!! Buti naman!

Hehe...and guess what??? Mum & I are going to get my dress designed on Wednesday! We're going to Tito Milo's new botique (in front of SM Bacoor) so he can make a sketch of the cocktail dress...and they're even going to make a matching bag! Trust Mum to pull some stirngs...and she yanks them hard! And then Tito Milo told Mum that she's going to have to buy silver shoes for the dress, and then he's even going to let me borrow a tiara from him! OMG!!! A TIARA!!!!!! Beat that, Demonica!!!

I just wish that this whole thing actually pushes through, and that I actually get a real live date. But in case I don't, it'll be just another way to say, "YOU CAN'T DANCE WITH ME, SUCKER!!!"

22 dtV-day

26 dtPn

Friday, January 21, 2005 


I soo hate boys.

Practically everyone who's anyone in my life knows that I hate stuff that I don't understand. And guess what???...I hate boys!!!

Yes, sometimes they're absolutely fantastic with stuff, like with having all sorts of trips and having fun...but when it comes to feelings? How do I put it nicely?...hmm...THEY CAN BE SO THICK. (That was the nicest I could get.) And I'm not even exaggerating.

I must admit, they are totally nice to you when you're together. But sometimes you can't even start guessing what their motives are. Ewan ko ba. Sometimes they can be totally nice, pero there are periods of time when they don't even seem to know you exist. Or they at least try to pretend to. And what stupid thing would they even do that for? I mean, hello, I try my best to be nice and everything, but doing it while he's ignoring your text messages can get pretty tiring. And then he has the nerve to tell you to meet up with him the next day?!! That is soo not going to happen. Not overnight. Not in a million years. Not ever.

I remember reading something about friendly dates being as rare as enjoyable math classes. I was soo sure that he liked me thewn and there, but now...I'm highly doubting if he even knows I exist. GOD, MUST HE BE SO THICK???!!!

24 dtV-day

28 dtPn


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 


I hate Pascal language. I mean, why does it have to be so damn complicated???!!! And I'm not even saying this because of the Computer class kanina. That was waaay easier than the stuff I deal with in the net everyday. Those were just "writeln" and "readln" and stuff, but the ones i saw in my blogtemplate kanina was doubly hard. There were "div ids" and "blockquotes" and stuff. I mean, hello? I know what they mean, but with the execution? Not so good. I couldn't even get me cells to align. How stupid is that?

Come to think of it, I'm only self-studying, and this is waay too advance for my year, so I *think* I should be even thankful. But still! Balancing equations, I don't understand, pero not getting Pascal? I must be really dumb!

I'll figure this out. Somehow.

Saturday, January 15, 2005 

Princess in Pink

I got two new books!

TWO!!! Honestly, I cannot be any more psyched about this. I just bought Princess Diaries V, Princess in Pink (as seen above) and A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Bad Beginning (which cannot be seen above, due to the fact that the title wouldn't be appropriate if I typed "A Series of Unfortunate Events". But no matter. Doesn't make an enormous difference anyway. But I'll probably use that title in future posts or something.)

Princess in Pink (The sixth Princess Diaries book I bought, by the way, because there's still like 4 1/2 so that makes 4 1/2 the fifth book , 5 the sixth book, 5 1/2 the seventh book and so on and so forth...) is actually quite appropriate for this time, because we have the prom coming in about a month. Just a month. How could I ever have a decent dress made on such short notice? It's not like I'm a princess or anything, which makes me eligible to perks such as my future prom dress being the first to made in a long queue of other prom dresses. I've actually already made arrangaments with my Tito Milo (full name Michelangelo) to make (or possibly rent) a decent dress for me. (He's actually a fab designer. His gowns actually make it on TV, and all sorts of actresses and beauty queens wear them on beauty contests and everything. And I swear I even saw a picture of him and Alma Concepcion and an award for the gown she was wearing on that pic. How fab!) But still, if I do rent a dress, I doubt there will be any decent pink ones left, as that's the designated color for the Juniors.

Honestly, why do we even have 'designated colors'? (My word, not theirs. So what are we supposed to call it? Color Assignments? Color Coding?...What do we look like? Cars? Notebooks? We get enough of those on norm school days, thank you very much. I'd much rather call it 'Designated Colors'.) So...Juniors have pink, Seniors have blue. (On girls, not on boys. What girl in her right mind would like to have a prom date wearing a pink tux? Not me.) I love pink, actually (and I have a darn funny way of showing it!) But how about those girls who aren't exactly fond (and probably won't even look good in) pink? My pity goes to (with? my grammar is que terrible) them. But we have no choice. It's either pink or nada. And boy, do I choose pink.

30 days till Valentine's

34 days till Prom night

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 

Oh and there was something I totally forgot to mention....

The prom is actually going to push through! Yay!!! ("Third", you better thank God that I'm not going to personally stangle you. Anymore. Yess!!!)

Yay! Finally, someone listens to me! The actually made a compromise! Mrs. SJC actually said that even though 129 didn't agree, there were still those 350 something people that wanted to go through with it, so we're still having the prom! The people who didn't want to come weren't made to come, so everyone's going to be happy!!!

I hope I get a date in time. Or an escort. Whatever you call it. (I like 'date' better.) Preferably someone I actually like.

There's still hope!!! :)

34 days till Valentine's day

38 days till Prom night

Konti na lang!

Monday, January 10, 2005 

My Own Little World

I hate people who don't agree with me.

I know it's so selfish and un-open-minded of me, but honestly, I do. I mean, why can't everybody just agree with each other? Or just make compromises where everybody wins? I know that not everything could be worked out, but why shouldn't we try to sort out things that can actually be agreed upon? Then everybody wins!

(-->The moment I re-read this post I realized that I seem to live in my own little realm, a perfect world called Kim-land where there are Chocolate Mountains and Cute guys and where all people seem to agree on stuff. Oh well. We all have our fantasies.)

Sunday, January 09, 2005 

Prom Night

They're still holding a survey whether to go through with the prom or not!!!

Honestly, how thick could you get? It's Prom Night!!! The night when romance is actually the highlight! The night when we all get to dress up in fab clothes (some may call them silly, but they're fab to me!) The night the Maria Clara-ish Rcians are actually allowed to have dates! The night of all the nights of our whole high school career!!!

What are we supposed to tell our kids 20 years later? That some stupid old git decided not to have it because only 89% of the respondents agreed? Or that the fiscal crisis was so bad and we have to tighten our belts a bit? (Um, earth to her! We wouldn't be studying there if we couldn't afford it, would we?)

And then there's this stupid girl who "suggested" that we should just do charity work instead of having a Prom. (Let's call her "third." Haha...very obvious to those who study in RC.) CHARITY WORK MY ASS! You just don't like the idea because your big, fat ass certainly won't get invited to it! I swear, if that happens instead of the Prom, I'm going to personally strangle her.



Saturday, January 08, 2005 

It's called Karma, baby!

This *has* to be a late Christmas present.

Oh yeah, I'm totally getting back at her now. (Not that I had anything to with what happened to her or anything.) The girl we like to refer to as 'Demonica' has met her match. (Maybe matches? OMG, my grammar is totally deteriorating!)

I came to school Thursday (or was it Wednesday?) morning expecting the usual crap. The on-the-verge-of-failing trigonometry grade, the on-the-verge-of-being-strangled trigonometry teacher and the usual byotches. I totally wasn't expecting anything as good as this! (I seem so mean from this POV...but after what she's done to me, even I'm not surprised.) What I didn't anticipate was the awakening of the fast asleep and the enlightening of the ignorant!!! Finally they've noticed what I've been ranting on for ages, about Demonica being a demonic force of nature threatening to gossip about us all. Finally they've realized that that self-appointed queen of the universe is delusional and I am but a mere mortal trying to warn them against conversing with such hazardous elementals who have the size of Mini Me.

Now they're all talking to me again and have even gone as far as crossing out her name in their Student's Diary (an unwritten high school rule signifying anger to the person whose name appears there.) She's even tried to include herself in our tropa which sooo wouldn't happen because, duh, it's common knowledge that everyone hates her because she always most graciously graces us with her not-so-divine insults referring to just about anyone even slightly imperfect on the face of the planet. (Rumor has it that all of her classmates hate her because of her oh-so-rotten attitude.) We definitely woudn't want to be associated with someone that infamous. I mean hello, this is HIGH SCHOOL. Anyone who says public approval isn't the least bit important has been hiding in his own little world for the past 20 centuries. (Talk about ignorant.)

So now I am thanking whoever controls Karma up there! Keep up the good work! You deserve a raise!!! THANK YOU!

Sunday, January 02, 2005 

Un-Happy Holidays!

This, by far, has been the worst holiday season ever. (And when I say worst, I mean shortest and most boring.)

And if there's one thing I've learned from this holiday, it's that boredom sooo doesn't suit me. Proof of that? I can't even find anything to write about (except, of course, those folks who cause global warming and soap operas.) I think my brain mass has decreased since the last school day. OH NO!!!

School starts (again) tomorrow. What a drag! I used to like school, but ever since I became a junior, everything went downhill. My grades, my social life, my attitude...even my grammar! The subjects are doubly hard so I can understand the whole I-so-don't-need-more-study-time-I-just-need-better-teachers phase, but my social life has gone totally zero. And my attitude? Not good. Why, you ask? Because of this thing that happened earlier this school year. I practically lost all my friends (but now I think they weren't *real* friends anyway, I think they just liked to hang out with me to involve me in controversies too dire even for me.) I soo don't want to write about it. And one girl started it all. I just have a tiny message to the person who we fondly refer to as "Demonica". (That little devil! And I'm not saying this nicely!!)

"Sana madapa ka."

I'm so mean, aren't I? Hehe.

Happy Un-Holidays!