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Saturday, January 29, 2005 

Post-Intrams Depression

I hate my life.

Here are the top three reasons: my friends, my family and my school. I don't think anyone would even deserve my life. And sometimes, I really wonder what dreadful thing I've done to upset that Guy Up There, because hello, MY LIFE SUCKS. Who would even want this? Honestly. This shouldn't be called life. This should be (more aptly, IMO) called crap. Plain crap.

Let me elaborate. My school? Disgustingly strict. They regulate everything from the size of my loafers' heels to the color of my prom dress. And the teachers? They're just impossible. It'll take me a lifetime's worth of therapy to feel a little less degraded again.

And my friends? They're terrible! I hate them because:
a) they're always mean and insensitive
b) they're always running around chasing boys
c) they never listen to a word I say
d) they never reply to ANY of my text messages (also applicable to everyone I know who has a cellphone)
e) they're always laughing at things so shallow my 4-year-old brother could swim in it (so as a result I always have to faux-laugh. And let me tell you, with tall the faux-laughing I do I should be in the Drama Club. Or Theather Club, as we call it in RC.)
f) they never care about really important stuff like literature, photography, genetics, Harry Potter, or real life for that matter. They seem to live in their own little worlds, as I do with mine. It irritates me.
Honestly, my friends are just big airheads with eyes and hands and feet attatched.

And lastly, my family. I know I'm sort of obliged to at least like them, but sometimes I just want to strangle each and every one of them (with the obvious exception of my dear grandparents.)

Another week, another opportunity to fail something. Yipee.

16 dtV-day

20 dtPn

Still don't have a date.

Still don't have a life.

Still don't have anything.