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Sunday, January 09, 2005 

Prom Night

They're still holding a survey whether to go through with the prom or not!!!

Honestly, how thick could you get? It's Prom Night!!! The night when romance is actually the highlight! The night when we all get to dress up in fab clothes (some may call them silly, but they're fab to me!) The night the Maria Clara-ish Rcians are actually allowed to have dates! The night of all the nights of our whole high school career!!!

What are we supposed to tell our kids 20 years later? That some stupid old git decided not to have it because only 89% of the respondents agreed? Or that the fiscal crisis was so bad and we have to tighten our belts a bit? (Um, earth to her! We wouldn't be studying there if we couldn't afford it, would we?)

And then there's this stupid girl who "suggested" that we should just do charity work instead of having a Prom. (Let's call her "third." Haha...very obvious to those who study in RC.) CHARITY WORK MY ASS! You just don't like the idea because your big, fat ass certainly won't get invited to it! I swear, if that happens instead of the Prom, I'm going to personally strangle her.
